UPDATE: House of Welcome out now on Bandcamp!
Free Press supports housing and human rights. "Housing is a human right" is a mantra which galvanized us in the aftermath of Ghostship, (Oakland), as many artists continue to live in substandard conditions, face eviction, and/or experience homelessness. Christie Aida & the Free Press create originals based on the lives of friends who reside in the Tenderloin after being unhoused for many years. The originals shine a light on their individual plights, challenges of recovery, and their paths to help others in the community. (Mary, pictured above, is the subject of the original "Reality House"). Deep cuts highlight other BIPOC/POC woman-led bands such as NOLA soul queen Irma Thomas, the western addition's own Filipina American blues singer Sugar-Pie de Santo and other female-led bands.
For more information, contact thefreepressmusic@gmail.com for upcoming gigs and booking requests.
Photos taken by Niki Pretti, (www.nikiprettiphotography.com), Jay Mijares, (https://photosontherun.com) and Fred Aube, (@ Aube.fred).